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Theology & Religion
She Opens Her Hand to the Poor Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9781463240455
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
While scholarship on nonverbal communication in the Hebrew Bible has traditionally focused on ritual dress, postures of worship, and related topics, there exist a number of non-ritual gestures in the text for which we have little understanding, such as occur in the book of Proverbs. As the premier source for moral pedagogy in the Hebrew Bible, Proverbs contains a number of gestures that, when properly interpreted, enhance an understanding of social values in ancient Israel. To aid in the process of decoding these literary features, Jones examines Ugaritic, Akkadian, Egyptian, and Sumerian texts, identifying similar gestures and anatomical idioms and how they are variously interpreted in their respective contexts.
Connecting Lives Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781847307613
Pub Date: 19 Dec 2019
Imprint: Veritas Books
In contemporary Ireland, the seeds of dialogue grow and flourish in communities that accept difference and work positively to promote each other’s rights and well-being. These are communities that gather together to engage in open-ended, respectful encounters with people from a range of belief and religious traditions. Interbelief dialogue involves positive communication, cooperation and energetic collaboration among people of religious faiths and secular, humanist, agnostic and atheist stances.
Death and Afterlife in Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 221
ISBN: 9781463239190
Pub Date: 17 Dec 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Gorgias Handbooks
This handbook explores beliefs of ancient Jews and Christians surrounding death and the afterlife through the lens of texts ranging from the Old Testament and New Testament, to Second Temple period and rabbinic literature, to early Christian writings. Figueras further brings together eschatological texts from Iran, Egypt, Greece, and Rome as comparanda, and provides context and bibliography to guide readers in their study of ancient Jewish and Christian views of death and the afterlife.
Meeting on the Protection of Minors in the Church Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 156
ISBN: 9781847309051
Pub Date: 28 Nov 2019
Imprint: Veritas Books
For four days in February 2019, Church leaders from across the globe convened in Rome for a landmark meeting on ‘the Protection of Minors in the Church’ called by Pope Francis. This event was a moment of untold importance for the Church in addressing the heinous crime of the abuse of minors by clergy, as well as the mishandling of these cases by Church authorities.This publication brings together the keynote addresses from that meeting, alongside the heartrending testimonies of survivors of clerical sex abuse whose suffering was compounded by the rejection they faced after approaching the Church hierarchy for help.
A Book Of Beginnings Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781847309129
Pub Date: 20 Nov 2019
Imprint: Veritas Books
Beginning. It offers a large enough canvas: the beginning of wisdom, of love, of learning, of memory; the seed of an idea; the foundation of a career; the root of a dream; choices made; roads taken – and not taken; and lessons learned. A Book of Beginnings explores the theme of commencement through encounters with an array of intriguing people.
Candles in the Night Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 92
ISBN: 9781847309396
Pub Date: 30 Oct 2019
Imprint: Veritas Books
Advent is a period of grateful anticipation and an invitation for Christians everywhere to spend time contemplating the profound gift of the Incarnation. It offers us the opportunity to develop our spiritual lives and to listen to our deepest longings. Advent should not, as Anna Burke explains in the introduction to Candles in the Night, be spent impatiently ‘counting down the days on the calendar’, but embraced for what it is: a unique period in the Church year to prepare for the arrival of Christ.
Jacob of Sarug’s Homilies on the Six Days of Creation: The Fifth Day Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 68
ISBN: 9781463241179
Pub Date: 22 Oct 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
In this fifth installment of the long Homily 71, On the Six Days of Creation, Jacob treats of the events of the fifth day, the creation from the waters of the various species of fish and reptiles, as well as the assorted types of birds and other winged creatures. God created them all in wisdom and in love, prepared everything that they would need and endowed them with the natural characteristics required for their particular type of life. Jacob highlights the fact that the creation of these animals on the fifth day to inhabit the land and water separated on the third day is a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ.
Second Slayings Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 251
ISBN: 9781463240264
Pub Date: 22 Oct 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This work is a study of Jewish cultural memory as exemplified by rabbinic midrash of the Amoraic period, the second through fifth centuries of the Common Era, and especially midrash on the Akedah, the Binding of Isaac (Gen. 22:1–19). The Akedah is proposed and analyzed as a model for submission to the divine will through the act of interpretation.
Gender in Jewish Studies Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 164
ISBN: 9781463240561
Pub Date: 17 Oct 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies (1759-1953)
Volume 13 of Melilah, an interdisciplinary electronic journal concerned with Jewish law, history, literature, religion, culture and thought in the ancient, medieval and modern eras.
Against “Irenaean” Theodicy Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 213
ISBN: 9781463240714
Pub Date: 09 Oct 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This book serves to correct the now accepted understanding of Irenaeus’s theodicy. This assumption of Hick’s theodicy as legitimately “Irenaean” remains due the gulf between Irenaean scholarship and discussion of the problem of evil. The present work offers a bridge between the two to allow for the continued discussion of both theologian’s distinct views.
A Practical Handbook for Priestly Ministry Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781942699248
Pub Date: 01 Oct 2019
Imprint: Holy Trinity Seminary Press
The Apostle Paul commands his disciple Timothy to “be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” This exhortation encapsulates the Orthodox Church’s expectations from her clergy and forms the basis of her Pastoral Theology. The aim of the present work is to guide the contemporary Orthodox priest in his application of the Apostle’s words to his everyday life as a conduit of Divine Grace and shepherd of Christ’s flock.
"And From His Side Came Blood and Milk" Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 379
ISBN: 9781463239169
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Series: Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies
This book examines the function and development of the cult of saints in Coptic Egypt, focusing primarily on the material provided by the texts forming the Coptic hagiographical tradition of the early Christian martyr Philotheus of Antioch, and more specifically, the Martyrdom of St Philotheus of Antioch (Pierpont Morgan M583). This Martyrdom is a reflection of a once flourishing cult which is attested in Egypt by rich textual and material evidence. This text enjoyed great popularity not only in Egypt, but also in other countries of the Christian East, since his dossier includes texts in Coptic, Georgian, Ethiopic, and Arabic.
Torah is a Hidden Treasure Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9781463240783
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
The chapters in Torah is a Hidden Treasure pertain to authorship in Seder Eliyahu Rabba and Pirqe deRabi Eliezer, natural law and Israel’s statutes, Masorah and midrash, as well as a definition of midrash. The Hebrew Bible and midrash is researched in the interpretation of Israelite tribes, the Ten Commandments and the Covenant Code, and in Rashbam’s Bible commentary and its exegetical devices.
A new edition of Codex I Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 185
ISBN: 9781463240547
Pub Date: 13 Aug 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
Nearly a century has passed since Henry A. Sanders first published his editio princeps of the Washington Manuscript of the Epistles of Paul (Codex I or GA 016). Within that time, it has received very little scholarly attention.
Fate, Freedom, and Happiness Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 334
ISBN: 9781463239282
Pub Date: 13 Aug 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
In what particular manner human beings are free moral agents and to what extent they can reasonably expect to attain a good life are two intertwined questions that rose to prominence in antiquity and have remained so to the present day. This book analyzes and compares the approaches of two significant authors from different schools at the turn of the third century CE, Alexander of Aphrodisias and Clement of Alexandria. These contemporaries utilize their respective Peripatetic and Christian commitments in their employment of the shared Greek classics toward these shared ethical questions.
The Mystical Tradition of the Eastern Church Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 276
ISBN: 9781463240608
Pub Date: 13 Aug 2019
Imprint: Gorgias Press
This volume presents the work of contemporary Orthodox thinkers who attempt to integrate the theological and the mystical. Exciting and provocative chapters treat a wide variety of mysticism, including early Church accounts, patristics (including the seemingly ever-popular subject of deification), liturgy, iconography, spiritual practice, and contemporary efforts to find mystical sense in cyber-technologies and post-humanism.