Science & Technology / History of Science & Technology
Format: Hardback
Pages: 404
ISBN: 9780822946496
Pub Date: 22 Dec 2020
Illustrations: 40 b&w
Compound Remedies examines the equipment, books, and remedies of colonial Mexico City’s Herrera pharmacy - natural substances with known healing powers that formed the basis for modern-day healing traditions and home remedies in Mexico. Paula De Vos traces the evolution of the Galenic pharmaceutical tradition from its foundations in Ancient Greece to the physician-philosophers of the Islamic empires in the medieval Latin West and eventually through the Spanish Empire to Mexico, offering a global history of the transmission of these materials, knowledges, and techniques. Her detailed inventory of the Herrera pharmacy reveals the many layers of this tradition and how it developed over centuries, providing new perspectives and insight into the development of Western science and medicine: its varied origins, its engagement with and inclusion of multiple knowledge traditions, the ways in which these traditions moved and circulated in relation to imperialism, and its long-term continuities and dramatic transformations.
De Vos ultimately reveals the great significance of pharmacy, and of artisanal pursuits more generally, as a cornerstone of ancient, medieval, and early modern epistemologies and philosophies of nature.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9780822945956
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2020
Illustrations: 9 b&w
Sir Oliver Lodge was a polymathic scientific figure who linked the Victorian Age with the Second World War, a reassuring figure of continuity across his long life and career. A physicist and spiritualist, inventor and educator, author and authority, he was one of the most famous public figures of British science in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A pioneer in the invention of wireless communication and later of radio broadcasting, he was foundational for twentieth-century media technology and a tireless communicator who wrote upon and debated many of the pressing interests of the day in the sciences and far beyond.
Yet since his death, Lodge has been marginalized. By uncovering the many aspects of his life and career, and the changing dynamics of scientific authority in an era of specialization, contributors to this volume reveal how figures like Lodge fell out of view as technical experts came to dominate the public understanding of science in the second half of the twentieth century. They account for why he was so greatly cherished by many of his contemporaries, examine the reasons for his eclipse, and consider what Lodge, a century on, might teach us about taking a more integrated approach to key scientific controversies of the day.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780822946090
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2020
Illustrations: 43 b&w
Radiation Evangelists explores x-ray and radium therapy in the United States and Great Britain during a crucial period of its development, from 1896 to 1925. It focuses on the pioneering work of early advocates in the field, the “radiation evangelists” who, motivated by their faith in a new technology, trust in new energy sources, and hope for future breakthroughs, turned a blind eye to the dangers of radiation exposure. Although ionizing radiation effectively treated diseases like skin infections and cancers, radiation therapists - who did not need a medical education to develop or administer procedures or sell tonics containing radium - operated in a space of uncertainty about exactly how radiation worked or would affect human bodies.
And yet radium, once a specialized medical treatment, would eventually become a consumer health product associated with the antibacterial properties of sunlight.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9780822946168
Pub Date: 30 Sep 2020
Illustrations: 22 b&w
As global temperatures rise under the forcing hand of humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions, new questions are being asked of how societies make sense of their weather, of the cultural values, which are afforded to climate, and of how environmental futures are imagined, feared, predicted, and remade. Weather, Climate, and Geographical Imagination contributes to this conversation by bringing together a range of voices from history of science, historical geography, and environmental history, each speaking to a set of questions about the role of space and place in the production, circulation, reception, and application of knowledges about weather and climate. The volume develops the concept of “geographical imagination” to address the intersecting forces of scientific knowledge, cultural politics, bodily experience, and spatial imaginaries, which shape the history of knowledges about climate.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 366
ISBN: 9780822945963
Pub Date: 17 Mar 2020
Illustrations: 22 b&w
Itineraries of Expertise contends that experts and expertise played fundamental roles in the Latin American Cold War. While traditional Cold War histories of the region have examined diplomatic, intelligence, and military operations and more recent studies have probed the cultural dimensions of the conflict, the experts who constitute the focus of this volume escaped these categories. Although they often portrayed themselves as removed from politics, their work contributed to the key geopolitical agendas of the day.
The paths traveled by the experts in this volume not only traversed Latin America and connected Latin America to the Global North, they also stretch traditional chronologies of the Latin American Cold War to show how local experts in the early twentieth century laid the foundation for post–World War II development projects, and how Cold War knowledge of science, technology, and the environment continues to impact our world today. These essays unite environmental history and the history of science and technology to argue for the importance of expertise in the Latin American Cold War.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9780822966081
Pub Date: 25 Jun 2019
Adolphe Quetelet was an influential astronomer and statistician whose controversial work inspired heated debate in European and American intellectual circles. In creating a science designed to explain the “average man,” he helped contribute to the idea of normal, most enduringly in his creation of the Quetelet Index, which came to be known as the Body Mass Index. Kevin Donnelly presents the first scholarly biography of Quetelet, exploring his contribution to quantitative reasoning, his place in nineteenth-century intellectual history, and his profound influence on the modern idea of average.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 432
ISBN: 9780822966111
Pub Date: 25 Jun 2019
The Life and Legend of James Wattoffers a deeper understanding of the work and character of the great eighteenth-century engineer. Stripping away layers of legend built over generations, David Philip Miller finds behind the heroic engineer a conflicted man often diffident about his achievements but also ruthless in protecting his inventions and ideas, and determined in pursuit of money and fame. A skilled and creative engineer, Watt was also a compulsive experimentalist drawn to natural philosophical inquiry, and a chemistry of heat underlay much of his work, including his steam engineering.
But Watt pursued the business of natural philosophy in a way characteristic of his roots in the Scottish “improving” tradition that was in tension with Enlightenment sensibilities. As Miller demonstrates, Watt’s accomplishments relied heavily on collaborations, not always acknowledged, with business partners, employees, philosophical friends, and, not least, his wives, children, and wider family. The legend created in his later years and “afterlife” claimed too much of nineteenth-century technology for Watt, but that legend was, and remains, a powerful cultural force.
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9789088906947
Pub Date: 14 Dec 2018
Series: The Schliemann Diaries
Illustrations: 12fc/12bw
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9789088906930
Pub Date: 14 Dec 2018
Series: The Schliemann Diaries
Illustrations: 12fc/12bw
In the fourth part of The Schliemann Diaries we follow Heinrich Schliemann, the famous 19th century trader, traveller and archaeologist, on his travels through Spain in 1859. The original diary was written mainly in Spanish with a small portion in Arabic. This publication contains an introduction, an English translation and a transcription of the diary.
During his third journey to the Orient (1858-1859), Schliemann fell in love with a Canadian girl. Since he was already married, this love was doomed from the start but it made Schliemann far from happy when he returned home to St. Petersburg. He found it impossible to remain with his Russian wife and decided to cheer himself up by taking a trip through Spain.In this diary we see Spain through the eyes of a wealthy tourist who is not afraid of some discomfort. Alongside some melancholy thoughts about his hopeless love for the young Canadian, he keeps his eyes wide open for the attractions of the Spanish girls who are, according to him, the most beautiful in the world.Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890) was a shrewd trader and in later life one of the most famous archaeologist of the 19th century. He not only discovered "the legendary city of Troy" and the golden masks of Mycenae, but was also a pioneer in the prehistoric archaeology of Turkey and Greece. Before he became one of the fathers of Archaeology, he travelled the world and recorded his experiences in several diaries. In this series, all Schliemann's travel diaries will be made available to a wider public by means of a transcription, an English translation and an introduction. These publications will present a new image of the trader, traveller and archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann and the world in which he lived.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 342
ISBN: 9789088903168
Pub Date: 19 May 2015
In the 17th and 18th century well over a million men and a few thousand women made the long journey oversees to one of the many Dutch colonies of the Dutch East India Company or West India Company. How did these people live in the colonies, what do we know about their opinions on these exotic regions, what was their view of the local inhabitants? Were these travelers immigrants that were interested in other cultures?
Did they understand the foreign religions and customs? Or were these people simply interested in trading and profit, every man for himself?This richly illustrated volume contains many interesting articles (in Dutch) about how the Dutch lived with and among the local inhabitants of the various Dutch colonies.In de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw hebben meer dan een miljoen mannen en een paar duizend vrouwen de verre reis gemaakt naar de koloniale vestigingen van de VOC en WIC. Hoe leefden ze daar en wat weten we eigenlijk van hun opvattingen over de exotische streken waar ze vertoefden? Hoe keken zij naar de mensen die zij ‘aan de overkant’ ontmoetten? Waren deze reizigers en emigranten geïnteresseerd in andere culturen? Begrepen zij iets van de andere religies, gewoonten en samenlevingen waarin zij terechtkwamen? Of ging het hen alleen maar om het najagen van het eigenbelang voor hun bazen of voor zichzelf.De Nederlanders die we in de bronnen tegenkomen brachten hun eigen opvattingen, ja, begrijpelijkerwijs, hun cultuur- en groepsgebonden oordelen mee. Die klinken vaak door in denigrerende of jaloerse opmerkingen. Maar gelukkig zijn er ook voorbeelden van waardering en samenwerking: plaatselijke informanten speelden bijvoorbeeld een belangrijke rol in de overdracht van kennis van andere culturen.Deze bundel levert een kostelijke verzameling verhalen op over de vraag hoe Nederlanders en ‘zij die aan de overkant leefden’ over en weer naar elkaar keken en elkaar de maat namen.